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Nadja Solovieva - the VASSILISA founder and creative director. Nadja graduated with BA (Hons) degree in Fashion Design from the renowned St.Martins College of Art and Design, and trained at Alexander McQueens and Vivienne Westwoods design studios, before setting her niche line in 2007. She started her experience in fashion as a catwalk model for Slava Zaitsev, the #1 designer of Soviet Era, and with her mother making clothes for a film starring her aunt, in Moscow. Her unique eye led her to winning awards, such and British Fashion Council Talent Launch-lad award, and receiving most prominent Designer Talent features in publications such as Elle USA, Vogue Russia etc. Her interests include life drawing, macrobiotic cooking and nature. She resides in London and West Sussex, and travels to Milan, Paris, NYC And Tokyo.